Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2018

MIWAI 2018

Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence


Intelligent Visual IoT: Tools & Applications

Important Dates

Submission deadline: July 16, 2018
Camera ready: August 20, 2018
Conference date: November 18-20, 2018

Topic of Interests

With recent advances in Information & communication Technology (ICT), cost-effective, yet high performance ‘Visual IoT’ applications are within our reach. The gap between "Visual IoT" and "Intelligent Visual IoT" (IVI) is bridged using computer vision and AI techniques which perform the following tasks: object detection, object localization, object tracking, object recognition and scene understanding. The ultimate goal of the IVI would be to provide a scenic understanding from visual information, as the way a human does. Scenic understanding would enable various applications in any domain of interest e.g., transportation, tourism, healthcare, manufacturing, everyday life activities, etc. We invite prospective authors to submit original contributions on the topics including, but not limited to:

Theory and Tools

  • Pattern recognition in image processing
  • Image, video processing and communication
  • Deep learning in computer vision
  • IoT and network techniques for computer vision and image media
  • Modelling of human visual perception
  • Scene understanding
  • Open source computer vision tools


  • Counting tasks e.g., object counting, animal counting, etc
  • Demographical analysis tasks e.g., visitors sex, age, height profiling, etc.
  • Psychoanalytic tasks e.g., a collective mood of the crowd.
  • Searching for people such as lost children, suspects or the terrorists.
  • Analysis of vehicle speed and other characteristics that might jeopardize safety.
  • Human activity analysis tasks e.g., lip reading, gesture recognition, suspicious behaviours, anomalous behaviours, video summary, etc.
  • Applications in creative industries, transportation, tourism, healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture, etc.


  • Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, Universiti Teknologi Brunei , Brunei (Co-chair)
  • Ken T. Murata , NICT, Japan (Co-chair)
  • Rie Honda, Kochi University, Japan (Co-chair)
  • Ah-Hwee Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • Atikom Ruekbutra, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand
  • Chin-Kuan Ho, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  • Jun-Mo Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
  • La-Or Kovavisaruch, NECTEC, Thailand
  • Minh-Son Dao, Universiiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei
  • Myint-Myint Sein, University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar
  • Nobuyuki Asai, NICT Asia Center, Thailand
  • Phatthanaphong Chomphuwiset, Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  • Praphan Pavarangkoon, NICT, Japan
  • Somsanouk Pathoumvanh, National University of Laos, Lao PDR
  • Surachai Ongkittikul, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand
  • Wasit Limprasert, Thammasat Univesity, Thailand